
Your life is waiting – just get in the car and drive

I've been slowly realizing something lately. No matter what happens, if you are not happy, that affects every part of your life. You aren't happy, so you think your job sucks; you aren't happy, so you gain weight; you aren't happy, so your relationships fail. You have to make sure you are pleased with yourself before you get out of bed in the morning, or else your whole day/week/month will just turn to shit. No one else can do that for you. You can fool yourself into believing that other people made your day awful, but it's just not true. Your reaction to other people has made your day awful. Roll with it. I'm not saying don't react, at all. If you want to, scream, shout. But know you do not need to hold on to the drama and therefore bring yourself down.

I'm changing a lot right now. I'm back in the mindset I was about 2 years ago, before I started letting other people affect me. So far, I've lost some weight, started working out again, made some awesome new friends, started sketching and writing again... I found a few blank canvases and I'm dying to paint something. I'm getting my balls-to-the-wall attitude back, and it feels amazing to walk in my own shoes again. It helps that I dropped the drama-makers from my life. It helps that I want to be myself so badly I don't care if running hurts, I'll do just about anything to be myself again.

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